Saturday, 1 September 2012

Hi random blog post (again)

Hi first before I start this post I want to say happy birthday to my ultimate BFF Olivia! So yes I just got back from visiting my cousins in Nottingham. Last night I had the weirdest dream.(this is going to be random) If you think about it the world was nothing and, basically what I found out about in this dream was I DON'T WANT TO DIE! Well in about three days time I am going into year six and am quite excited about it. The other day my mum took me out for a special day in Oxford to get a school bag and got a LUSH one from Claire's and I love it! Today all the girls in the family (Me,Lily,Deborah,Betty,Mum and my grandma) went into town and my auntie Deborah bought me a suit jacket from Zara that I love. Build a bears are one of the many things I love. (please don't judge me)! Can I just tell you what I wanna be when I'm older, I would desperately like to be a athlete like Jessica Ennis. But not a hurdler so a cross between Usain Bolt and Jessica Ennis. If you are in year six and the oldest in the school do you think it would be stupid if you had a p.e bag with a bear head on it then a matching one for your bear? If you would like to reply to that question please do. I am not paticularly sure what to put next. Hi everyone out there if you are reading this blog then thank you very much.