Saturday 18 May 2013

No changes apart from on CORY

Hi I REALLY don't know what to write today but I'm sure something will come to me, all I can think about is lunch. I am SOOO hungry. I think I have got my cough back because my throat is KILLING me and also I have been coughing quite a bit. My mum is in quite a bad mood this morning because my sister is being a HUGE pain, so nothing changes there. But yeah so HI. Cory last night was Epic oh yeah asnd speaking of epic I have made a law that adults can no longer say epic they are TOO OLD. The reason for this law was because when my mum said it this morning and it didn't sound right. Talking of Cory who thinks Frank's mum killed him me and my mum had a huge debate about it last night. MMMMMMM food and I think I sense CHICKEN NOODLES!!!!! OOO it's mothers day tomorrow and my mum really should be happy with her present because I was up until half past nine last night drawing it!!!! Well techinically I was only up for half an hour because Cory finished at nine. I slept in unitil quarter past nine today which wsa epic because I have begun to love my bed. Last night me and my mum were talking about when I'm fourteen and she is older than she is now we will be in bed all day and only wake up to eat. My mum and my sister are watching monsters inc. and I think my sister might be crying They are having this discussion about never leaving each other honestly that's what people do when they are 90 not 4!!! Bye for now my lunch is getting cold. Having said that it is actually really hot!!!!

P.S  Isn't life just SPIFFING??????? Noodles are too!!!!!!


Hi I am writing on my families iPad and I wanted to do a post about SATs. We are officially done and the teachers stress about NOTHING. honestly you get tons of sugar in the morning then you work for forty five minutes and then you get more than three quarters of the day to play!!! Today my dad and I are going to Witney because I have always wanted this specific rucksack from a specific shop and we are going to get it today.

From your best poster,

Nell xxx :)