Tuesday, 20 March 2012

Sunshine Part Two

9yr old is finally in bed. My bed, but bed, none the less. I have been absolutely amazed by how much she feels the death (almost-possibly-not-sure-death) of Sunshine (hamster) is her fault. You always hear it, as an adult, how much a child blames themselves for divorce (and worse), but I could never really understand it. Like it was written in a text book, that you know is right, but don't really have a connection with. But tonight, she listed 5 things that she could have done better, that would have meant Sunshine lived longer. Which she wouldn't have done - Nell - when you read this. x

I suppose we all do it, when someone/thing dies, we think of all the things we would have liked to have done differently. We blame ourselves for all the things we could have done better - but then hopefully, with Gin and a few years of experience, we move on and realise it's all part of life (sometimes not - for the really big things -but you know what I mean). But kids are too little to get 'life'. Life is 'now' and that means she really does feel responsible, because she has no larger frame of reference, to give it any perspective, than her small 9 years here. And I never would have quite known that, had we not decided to set up this blog. I love that she could so honestly and openly, explain here, how she felt and that it prompted us to sit and cuddle and chat and try to make it all a little bit better.

So the conclusion? Every parent and child should have a blog. Every parent should CHECK whether the hamster is dead before announcing it is and trying to bury it. And every parent should carry hip flasks of Gin, in case of emotional meltdowns on the way back from Brownies, for which they were totally unprepared.


Hi this is the worst night of my life because I just found out that my hamster might be DEAD and at first I took it really well but after brownies I didn't. So now I am in the worst state ever. I think the reason that I did this was because my friend was here so I guess I just didn't wanna embarrass myself. But the worst thing is this is the first pet death I have had since I was two and obviously had no clue what was going on.I feel terrible because if I had given her more excersice she would've lived longer. Sorry I haven't been posting for the last few days I have been really busy. I really do not wanna go to school tomorrow as I will feel too terrible too. Unfortunately I have given myself a splitting headache as I have not stopped crying for the past half an hour. I don't really know what too write apart from I will miss you loads Sunshine.

Friday, 16 March 2012

" Not a big deal"

Hi sorry this post is a bit late because I am a bit upset because our stats are going down. Boo Hoo poor me. Did I mention yesterday that I have started walking to school in the mornings . My mum thins it's this huge big deal but I'm like "It's no big deal" and she's like "Oh but it is" When I say by myself I mean with the twins at the top of the road ( and yes they are boys) But the down side is that it means literally getting up and getting dressed, shovelling toast down, hair then out the door. This morning when I was about to go I went to get my school bag from the boot of the car then I went in to get my coat from the house 'cause they were waiting behind our hedge and my brother when I opened the door he shoved me out so I kinda had to shout "Bye" while the door was open fr a split second. He seemed satisfied to get rid of me. This was completely taken by surprise but this morning both my brother AND my sister went to school. Today at school I made up what an Odge is and mine was a pocket sized kitten with a digital brain and it could blend in with everything and also it could come in any colour. I am not really sure what to write now but can I just say that it is double CORY tonight and also the story at the moment is great I don't really think that Peter Barlow killed Frank Foster anyway bye for now.

P.s I am eating my DINNER.

Thursday, 15 March 2012

the Cheshire Cat

Hi right now I am in my mums room again this time with the room pitch black and a bright white screen in front of me. Luckily my brother is better and do you no how we can tell? He is annoying everybody again. Today after school I went to my friends house and my other friend came along. We played on the trampoline most of the time but to start of with we went to her room.I am in a very good mood today because it is double CORY this evening so I tend too be in better moods on Monday,Thursday and Friday evenings.At school today I learnt something, and that something was the fact that I really like poetry books and in fact I think they are my favourite type of book and I am revising the poem The Kings Breakfast, I already know the first 2 verses and I won't recite them to you now. I am kinda stuck on what to say oh yeah that was it. Today my teacher got into a huge moan and got so angry that he took D and T away from us!!!!!! The only fun lesson we have which I kinda HATED. So OK I just completely forgot what I was going to say. I think I better go now oh actually that was it!!! In two weeks time (because our topic is Alice in Wonderland at school) we are having a mad hatters tea party and we get to dress up as any character from Alice in Wonderland and so obviously I will be the Cheshire Cat because I just love him!!!! Anyways bye for now:)  

Wednesday, 14 March 2012

Sorry about this post I am in a bad mood

Hi today I am in a VERY BAD MOOD for two reasons one: Because I went to school this morning and I was really excited beacuse my mum said that I could have a sleepover with my friends but then after school she said I couldn't which made me very upset because me and my friends had everything planned. The other reason was because I have this friend and we started this arguement yesterday and to mum THIS IS NOT JUST A GIRL THING it is SERIOUS. . Also this is the tinyest part of my moan, but my sister keeps going into my room while I'm at school because she is off ill she can do it without anyone noticing her (obviously while mum is downstairs) So as you can tell this isn't my most joy- filled post and as we would spell it backwards yoj dellif tsop. Right now I have just realised that I love blogging because I feel so much better now I have blogged about it. I always swore to myself that I would never pour my emotions into blogging but now it makes me feel so much better. I am sat tucked away in my mum's room while I am blogging today beacuse it is all dark and haveing just the computer screen in front of me, makes me feel alot better.I am not really sure what to write about now my moan is over which having said that makes me sound like I'm in a worse mood than I actually am.

Tuesday, 13 March 2012


Hi and can I just start off with saying that my mum is right. I really can't beleive I just said that. But really if you think about it BLIPADEY BLIP ADEY BOOO could be the most common name in the universe you could say "Hey BLIPADEY BLIP ADEY BOOOO how are you doing today??" and he would say "Fine thanks FLUBBA DUBBA pleasant day isn't it infact just SPIFFING!!" Sorry if you are starting to think that our blog is getting boring because of the same subject every time but I think it's a subject as we the peoples of Earth should discuss (I was just being really like kinda powerfull there) I just came back from brownies and found it AMAZEING (see I did it in my language) but unfortunately my brother and sister were so ill that I had to come home early which I wasn't happy about infact I was most disappointed ( I sounded really posh there) Buuuuuuuuut I guess it was just LIFE. I have just realised that we started this blog a week ago so this is our ONE WEEK ANNIVERSARY!!!!! Gosh I sound like I'm married and we're celebrating our one week anniversary well technically in a relationship which I am NOT just so we can be clear on one thing. My mum just walked in with some shoes on and went: "Do these look allright? I don't want them to be too pointy!!" and I went: "No they're fine!!"

P.s I said SPIFFING and sorry if you did get bored of this topic. NELL:)

A cow is not a cow it is a pig

Nell has just blogged and I had thought I wouldn't join her tonight as I am in a VERY BAD MOOD, but she said things I thought were actually quite true, so thought I would quickly say what they were.

I HATE Grammar police. Hate them, hate them, hate them. The ONLY reason language exists, is to allow us to communicate. Not to be tested on, in order make people look clever/smug/stupid, not to be used to pit one person above an other, for their precise knowledge of how best to use an adverb or construct some perfectly formed sentence.

There was an article in the Guardian yesterday about the use of the word 'literally'. How we are using it WRONGLY by saying things like 'the sun was literally piercing my eyes'. Who cares? We understand its use in this context, we know that we don't literally mean it when we literally say how literal we are being. We just know we are using the word 'literally', to stress a certain aspect of what we said. And that's what happens with language, it EVOLVES. It grows as our communication grows. There aren't a finite number of words in the world, there are as many as we want there to be, and they can mean what we want them to mean, because we make them up.

A cow, is a cow, only because we call it one.

So I think Nell's idea about writing words, like they should be spelt, is a great one. There is even a whole load of people in America (I know, America - but still...), who think that we should ditch the way we write altogether and that if you mean knife, you should just damn well write nife.

So Gove, when my 9yr old fails her Sats due her inability to spell, it wont be because she is stupid, it will be because she is EVOLVING....unlike you...

ps. Nell has just corrected me. Apparently it would not be 'nife' it would be 'niyf'. You heard it here first.


Hi this is like half an hour before my club Brownies and right now I am trying to think of another CLASSIC story. Wasn't the last one funny????? Tell me if you think it was. I'm not really sure what to write about but I will deifnitely be doing one after Brownies unless something happens between now and then. So I'm makeing this language up and everything is said backwards so Nell would be lleN because it is literal backwards EVEN the N. See that making is spelt makeing that's because that's how making should be spelt. Techinically making is spelt mak-ing which is not how it was meant to turn out (I doubt) If any of you do a blog and are terrible typers after a while you would probably no that your typing gets better like I know the keyboard way better then I did before. I was just thinking Todd backwards would be ddoT. Spelt d-doT which would be a funny word to say:)

Monday, 12 March 2012

Two out of Five ain't bad

Why, when you are a parent, can your stress levels go from nought to sixty in one second flat? Husband and I had a lovely night away; bit odd to start with, finding your feet as two people again, not five, but within ten minutes of being back, it felt like it had never happened. It's not just their demands and their chatter that seem to fill your head to the brim; thoughts about what their thoughts are, pre-empting what they will ask for, what they will need, until it's so full, you quite forget there is even a 'YOU' to think about, let alone a husband too! I once read about a couple who went to a hotel, once every week. Not even for the night, just for a few hours in the day. That sounds perfect to me. Tick that 'us' box, before getting back to the reality of high temperatures and homework.

Which makes me sound like I don't appreciated my children, when I really do. They are completely my world and have been since 9yr Old first arrived and turned it all tecnhicolour, HD, 3D with accompanying surround sound. But this weekend reminded me how nice it was to be just two people in a car. To then be able to get out of said car and just walk off; no bags, coats, arguments, lost shoes, needing a wee, just two people, holding hands walking around.

Until the Gap outlet came in to view and then frankly, it is every man/woman for themselves.

Classic stories - By Nell

Hi sorry I haven't been posting for a while I have been busy. While I am posting this I am eating my cereal because I fancy it. There's this story that's true and every time we go to Witney I remind my mum about it, it makes me laugh and probably will make you laugh to.....

Well one day we were at Witney and we went into the new parking kinda building thing and there were these advertisements and mum saw them and she thought it meant we couldn't park there so we missed like 40 thousand and when we got to the last space she found out that it was an advetisement so we had to go back like 8 floors!!!! CLASSIC!!!!!

She is stood there and just walked into the living room laghing and there was another story but I forgot it. Oh yeah and Nottingham was great I really enjoyed myself and mum and dad's suite went well apparently no awkward parts. I don't beleive them. I am in a really good mood because I just found out that it is DOUBLE cory(Coronation Street) tonight which made me jump up and down in mid- air and the other reason I am happy is because today I went to my one to one lesson that I have to have at school and I was just writing this peice about school and she(my tutor) thought it was really good!!!!good she even showed my normal teacher!!!! He thought it was really good which I was pleased about. This evening I went to dance class and it was really fun oh I think I remember the story actually no I don't ,tell you what I'll blog in the morning too because CORY is on now so......


Saturday, 10 March 2012


Hi this morning we are going to Nottingham and the house is a rush so I'm kinda sat here while everyone is running around packing and all sorts so if you ask me far too much of a fuss. ANYWAYS the idea of my mum and dad at a romantic suite makes me laugh and it sounds rather awkward I mean what would one say when it is supposed to be romantic? Have you seen TAKE ME OUT it is a show on Saturday that is great. It gives you a laugh while being quite romantic so try it it's amazing and isn't English language confusing I mean really amazing should be amazeing because amaze is spelt with an E and you are just adding ING on the end is this sentence too long ? sorry if it is. My brother has found these things called SKYLANDERS and has become OBSESSED with them and it drives me and mum mum insayne!!! "Mum!!!! skylanders this Mum!!! Skylanders that honestly" anyone would think that he had never heard of a magical land in his life!! But obviously he has I  mean we're not that mean to him.

P.S please comment and thank you everybody who did comment we appreciate it strongly and maybe think about making your own blog because it is really fun and all your comments  MAKES MY DAY!!!!!! (sort of not including having roast dinner) of course!!!

Getting your ears peirced: part two - By mummy (older than 8)

Mummy, older than 8
She has always wanted to get her ears pierced. Since she could speak. Always. And she nags a lot. My automatic reaction was, like most parents, ‘not until you are 16’ knowing full well it would be bargained down to 13 then possibly the year she starts secondary school. So why did we give in at the age of 8?

I guess because the subject was brought up so very often I wondered about my reasons for saying no and worried it might be a snob thing. On the continent, in Asia, in the States piercing the ears of small girls is very common and doesn’t raise a single eyebrow. In the UK it seems to be a mark of pride to delay it as long as possible. I canvassed opinion. Infection, said some, too young to know what they want, said others but underlying all that was the unsaid ‘nice girls don’t’.

I knew she knew her own mind. I thought we might have a better chance of combatting infection while I still bathed her and controlled the bedtime routine. So why didn’t I want to? Because if it was about snobbery I didn’t want to be part of that.

She must have sensed I was weakening. The nagging intensified and one day I shocked her by agreeing. It didn’t shock her as much as the pain did though. The actual piercing left her white and shaking. Turns out no matter how many You Tube videos of crying girls I’d shown her she never quite believed that having a hole punched in your ear would hurt.

In the end I decided to save my strength for the battles I really care about, conceding this one to her because in the grand scheme of things there is a lot more to parenting, a lot more to worry about than a hole in an earlobe. And now they’re in? They don’t bother me at all, actually. I almost quite like them shining away on her lobes. Almost…

Getting your ears peirced: part one - By Abigail aged 8

I asked mum and daughter team, Abgail (8) and Jessica (more than 8) to do a guest post for me about ear peircing. They had recently gone through the should we, shouldn't we stage and I thought I would make them share it! Thanks to both.

Abigail, 8 (dictated to her mother, she really needs to practice typing):

I wanted to get my ears pierced since I was 3. I nagged my Mummy and Daddy and then when me and Mummy talked about it said to Daddy ‘What do you think?’ He said it was alright and I was very surprised. Then we looked where we could get them pierced and Mummy thought about jewellers but they weren’t doing ear piercing any more. Then we found a beautician that did it and booked in there.

When it was finally the day I was all excited. We went into town and I had theatre first then we went to the beauticians then we waited for a few minutes. I felt a bit nervous and also a bit excited and Mummy said to calm down. When we went in the room was all nice and clean and I sat on kind of like a hospital bed. The lady washed her hands and told Mummy about certain stuff, then she put some gloves on. We got to choose the earrings they were silver crystal. She cleaned my ears and marked where she was going to put the holes. Then she got out the gun. I was all scared when I saw it. When the first earring was done it felt like a big pain for about 2 seconds. I didn’t believe my mum when she said it would hurt. But it did. The lady didn’t think I’d do the second one but I did it.

I feel fine about having my ears pierced but now I know what it feels like taking them out I don’t want to.

Friday, 9 March 2012

Growing up - Me, not Her

Today, I decided to grow up and get posh makeup. So thanks to @WhiteZoey, I took myself off to the Bare Minerals makeup counter at Debenhams, in Oxford. I have always had a fear of makeup counter women, (greater even, than my fear of people touching my knees - or wind farms) being convinced that I would leave their clutches, looking like Jordon; and it appears I was not to be disappointed. Yet despite this, I spent an undisclosable amount on their product, in the vain hope, it would make me all grown up and beautiful. Which is all happily part of my midlife crisis, as I approach 40 next year.

Which will be the SAME year, that 9yr Old goes to BIG SCHOOL.....I always wonder, whether having a mother with numerous tattoo's, a red wine/gin habit and a propensity to swear inappropriately at any given time, will have an effect on her and what she will end up being.... a brain, an athlete, a basket case, a princess or a criminal?

If science week is anything to go by, it'll be a brain.....but if she decides on Goth, then I have JUST the makeup......

Science week

Hi but you'll never guess what today I went to school normally,but in  assembly I was sat down and the teacher called my name, so I went up and received an award for 'participating' in the school science week so it was pretty embarassing stood up there right in front of the whole school even foundation (my sister) So I suppose going to school for two days was worth it after all of that ( being ill Monday and Tuesday) but anyway I enjoyed it so.... as I'm typing this my mum is in the backround trying unsuccesssfully to make jewellery out of lots of bizzare things like dominoes and beleive it or not a toy windmill that we have! I really don't know what to write so sorry if this is boring oh and tommorow we are going to Nottingham and yes we were supposed to go this evening but my dad couldn't be bothered to drive there this evening apparently so now were going really early in the morning and we're going to get our clothes ready this evening and it will be SPIFFING!!!!!

p.s I said SPIFFING!!!!

Thursday, 8 March 2012

Watershed moment

9yr Old is reading Anne Frank and it just blows me away that she asked to read it. I really want my children to learn about the holocaust. Not just to learn about the millions of victims, but also to learn about the ways in which a society managed to justify to itself, the mass slaughter of it's friends and neighbours. The holocaust told me that we need to shout loudly about every little injustice we see on our streets, from racists graffiti to homophobic evangelicals on the corner of the town centre, because accepting a little hatred, will make it far easier for us to swallow a big one.

On a lighter note, I cooked a roast. My watershed moment this week, was 7yr old telling me he hated being the only boy in our family. I was so upset, I automatically tried to calculate how quickly I could have another baby, but when that plan seemed doomed to failure, I decided to cook every one of his favourite dinners and buy him lots of horrid plastic items from Argos.

Which frankly, seems to have done the trick........and before you ask, I have NO IDEA why 4yr Old has taken herself off to a seperate table.......


Hi this time I'm not really that sure what to write but I'm in a great mood because I just got a comment and it was really nice so thank you. Today my teacher(the best teacher in the world) is letting me borrow his book called THE DIARY OF ANNE FRANK as you have probably heard it is the greatest book of alltime and I'm here to say that's true (even though I've only read twenty pages) the main reason I am blogging now is because A I love it and B my brother has his friend round and they are watching football so I was bored. The reason I survived school today was because I looked foward to coming home and writing this entry.

p.s Another reason I'm in a good mood is because as I am writing this my mum is making Roast Dinner with the one.... the only....BRUSSEL SPROUTS!!!!!!! the best thing about Roast Dinner:)


Hi I'm really quickly blogging to you before school and I  will post one after school.  I hope you like our blog obviously mum's putting it on TWITTER to otherwise it would be totally illegal for me to write this. Ever since she got her iPhone when we go to bed to read together it's always me reading and her TWITTERING!!!! Anyways I think books are better but I am still quite looking forward to joining TWITTER.

p.s Sorry I did not use the word SPIFFING!!!!

Wednesday, 7 March 2012

Rules? There are none...yet...

SPIFFING?!! I blame the Enid Blyton books I let her read, against my better judgement, when she was 7. I am like the Gina Ford of books. NO Enid Blyton and NO Jaqueline Wilson. I struggle, thinking of how much I should influence her life and it takes a lot for me to ban something, so I try very hard not to. I hate the idea that I 'own' her or that she is 'mine'. As far as I see it, I am here just to guide her, as much as possible, to make the right life choices on her own and to make sure that she stays alive long enough to make them.

So far so good (she hates Justin Bieber - which I take FULL credit for) but I imagine the older she gets, the more I am going to have to be the 'rules' parent, what with DRUGS and SEX and PARTIES and then it will be a whole new ballgame. And the first thing I am going to do is ban the word 'spiffing'......

SORRY!!!!! yet thank you

Hello sorry this post is so late I've been at school then at my friends house. Guess what? we made a mini solar system out of some magnetic stuff that I'm not to sure is but anyways it was awesome. Today at school it was science week and me and my friend Ellie made a rocket that we launched powered by air. Plus I suddenly started saying this word SPIFFING and it is my new favourite word. You should definitely start saying it because it is a truly SPIFFING word to say. Talking of SPIFFING words to say lets think about devine. "Wasn't that just truly devine darling!" see it really sounds great!!!!!!So you may be seeing a bit more of SPIFFING in this blog and thank you the one person who commented on our blog.

Tuesday, 6 March 2012


Hi I am blogging to you to reccomend a place to go . It is the SHAKE SHOP in Witney. The Shake Shop has great MILKSHAKES, great COFEEES (mainly for adults) and great SWEEETS.You know Boots in Witney well if you go across the crossing and up towards the Sue Ryder Care charity shop you should come across a small blue shop called THE SHAKE SHOP.     Then you have reached your destination.    The reason I love the Shake Shop is because it's always warm an cosy never cold (ish) and makes a great treat.

So go to the SHAKE SHOP today and treat your kids (and yourself of course)!!!!

Note from Me: The Shake Shop only accepts cash. But the double shot coffee milkshake (with whipped cream) more than makes up, for the inconvenient cash machine detour

A post because I'm bored

Hey!!!!! and all that stuff was true about me I'm a freak like that. So the reason I decided to do a second blog is because I was extreemely bored and have only just got the computer of my sister. I just found out that I will be going to Nottingham on Friday night and not on Saturday morning!!!!!! so as you can tell I am pretty excited which in the future will probably annoy my parents so much they will kill me

(this might be one of my last posts if that happens)

p.s please comment so then we'll have more of an idea what to write about.

Leaving me!

We are going away this weekend. I foolishly gave my husband a present of a hotel night forgetting that it would mean I had to go too. So we are leaving the three children, with my sister in law and heading off without them. Which I know will be lovely, but I find it hard to be away from them. Silly, as I seem to spend most of my time when I am with them, wishing they were a million miles away.

Anyway, 4 year old will be fine, because she is a hurricane of a child, who takes life by the balls and throws herself head first into every situation possible.

7 year old will be fine, because he is the only boy and as husband is away so much, I think he struggles with this sometimes. So the idea, to him, of spending the weekend in a house full of football and boys, will be great.

But then there is 9 year old. 9 year old doesn't do staying away. She loves home, she rarely wants play dates at other peoples houses and NEVER stays the night. Getting her on a school trip for 3 nights last year, almost gave me a nervous breakdown, which I have never fully recovered from. So I will worry and fret and look at husband with big eyes over steak and say 'I hope she is ok, shall we ring?'

And he will say 'no'. Because as any parent reading this will know,


(But I will make sure she packs Duck, just in case.....)

not posting about boys EVER!!!!!

Hi and  can i just say that i will not be posting about boys to anyone that thought I would. So you now yesterday I posted about those books they are AMAZING I read a bit more of the second one last night and couldn't put it down!!!! but eventually I fell asleep. I have these cousins in Nottingham and next weekend we are going to see them and I am so excited because they  have this lovely huge cuddly labrador which is brown called Stella along with my Aunt ,my Uncle ,Lily Jack and Casper.See ya later ;)

Monday, 5 March 2012

The Beginning

I decided to do this Blog with 9 year old daughter, mainly because she loves to read books and write stories, but mostly, because when she writes for school, it all seems so prescribed; she worries if she has spelt it right or if it looks pretty or if the word count is enough and so for once, I would like her just to be able to WRITE. Which actually turns out to be harder said than done, as it took her half an hour to write the previous post, because she wasn't used to being able to just write about ANYTHING! But hopefully, she will get to think more about the content, than the presentation and I will get to stalk her, like the neurotic mother I am.

And maybe, when we read each others post's about our lives together and apart, we will get to know each other that little bit better. Which can never be a bad thing...unless it's about boys....and then I will kill her.

Nell's first ever post!!!;)

Hi this is my first ever blog post!!!!!! The reason me and my mum decided to write this blog is because I love to write, and my mum always writes to (and is never off TWITTER) and so we decided to write together. I love to read boooks as I read all the Harry Potters last year and am currently reading the last dragon chronicles by Chris D' Lacey. I have a brother at the age of 6 and a sister at the age of 4. I have my mum and my dad along with my dog the size of a heffelump and a mental cat and some fish with a hamster.