Hi its me, Nell. Again writing on my google . Not really to sure what to blog about today just bored I guess. The phrase'keep calm and Carry on' came across my mind and I wondered what does that even mean? In everything you do there Is always something to worry about sometimes it can come in handy other times not.
Sorry if that post was boring I am bored too.
Being 11 and secondary:
Really there is nothing to worry about. Its just the getting up early looking nice wearing the cool clothes and being COOL.Which personally I don't get, I mean some people are all like 'arghhh books and English are lame'when quite frankly its books English and Maths that will get you a job. I spend my life reading and writing and just generally being nerdy. I follow the rules, very rarely step out of line but if I do I get told off and make a note to never do it again. So will nerdness come in handy? Have no clue but if it does I have a good chance of getting a decent job.
And if still having a soft toy to sleep with is lame then I am not cool and I DON'T CARE!!!!
The being eleven part is different, in 2 months I am eleven. A big step, all my friends are taking it lightly but I don't think I will. About the nerdy thing I have just finished the book eclipse and it was
NELL:-) :-) :-) :-)
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