Friday, 25 October 2013


Hi guys this post is generally about homework and how it is best to do it AT LEAST THE DAY BEFORE!
That was directed at my mother.
Anyway, so yeah. I had some drama homework to do and it was four o clock. It went perfectly and mum sent it to my grandad to print off. Then we went for a dog walk and walked him round to my grandma and grandad's house. When we got there, I went inside and found that it had come out completely in writing with none of the pictures. So from about six-eight o clock I had a massive homework crisis. I really worry about handing homework in or whether it looks like so as you can probably imagine I was beside myself because until about 8, I had no homework. So basically, when you are in secondary school, the motto is, Always do your homework. Before 8 o clock the night before.

The great British Bake Off. 
I know when you see these words the word elderly always pops into your head, but I have found that I actually like it more than the x factor! On Saturday at my brothers football, I was making the teas and coffees with my head of year. While we were waiting it turns out that she loves it too. You can learn allot in a short space of time. 

Nell xx:)

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