Tuesday 13 March 2012


Hi and can I just start off with saying that my mum is right. I really can't beleive I just said that. But really if you think about it BLIPADEY BLIP ADEY BOOO could be the most common name in the universe you could say "Hey BLIPADEY BLIP ADEY BOOOO how are you doing today??" and he would say "Fine thanks FLUBBA DUBBA pleasant day isn't it infact just SPIFFING!!" Sorry if you are starting to think that our blog is getting boring because of the same subject every time but I think it's a subject as we the peoples of Earth should discuss (I was just being really like kinda powerfull there) I just came back from brownies and found it AMAZEING (see I did it in my language) but unfortunately my brother and sister were so ill that I had to come home early which I wasn't happy about infact I was most disappointed ( I sounded really posh there) Buuuuuuuuut I guess it was just LIFE. I have just realised that we started this blog a week ago so this is our ONE WEEK ANNIVERSARY!!!!! Gosh I sound like I'm married and we're celebrating our one week anniversary well technically in a relationship which I am NOT just so we can be clear on one thing. My mum just walked in with some shoes on and went: "Do these look allright? I don't want them to be too pointy!!" and I went: "No they're fine!!"

P.s I said SPIFFING and sorry if you did get bored of this topic. NELL:)


  1. Spiffing post Nellbelle!

    From a mum of two dislecksicks

  2. Thanks did you really like it? I'm really glad that you liked it do you read our blogs often then? If you don't mind me asking why did you like this one so much?

  3. Partly because I also love the word "spiffing". It goes along with ginger beer, cake and plums in our house.
    Also I wish there had been blogs about when my oldest 2 children were your age. It's great to be able to share what you think about things. Both my boys are dyslexic so they tended not to read a lot of books, or want to write out of school. How ever they ARE intelligent and they had stuff to say.

    I'm thinking I might suggest a blog to my step-daughter as she just always agrees with everything and having a bit of a strop or rant would be good for her.

  4. And I meant to say the "posh" bit was very Jane Austen! You won't have read any of her books yet, but I bet your mum has so she can explain what I mean.

  5. Thats a great idea!!! It is such a shame when you are dyslexic because most dyslexics are more clever than you can imagine but.. well yeah the blog idea is really good beacuse sometimes its good to just have a bit of a moan or a rant beacuse sometimes people won't read it, although it's good to get it out of your system.
