Monday 12 March 2012

Two out of Five ain't bad

Why, when you are a parent, can your stress levels go from nought to sixty in one second flat? Husband and I had a lovely night away; bit odd to start with, finding your feet as two people again, not five, but within ten minutes of being back, it felt like it had never happened. It's not just their demands and their chatter that seem to fill your head to the brim; thoughts about what their thoughts are, pre-empting what they will ask for, what they will need, until it's so full, you quite forget there is even a 'YOU' to think about, let alone a husband too! I once read about a couple who went to a hotel, once every week. Not even for the night, just for a few hours in the day. That sounds perfect to me. Tick that 'us' box, before getting back to the reality of high temperatures and homework.

Which makes me sound like I don't appreciated my children, when I really do. They are completely my world and have been since 9yr Old first arrived and turned it all tecnhicolour, HD, 3D with accompanying surround sound. But this weekend reminded me how nice it was to be just two people in a car. To then be able to get out of said car and just walk off; no bags, coats, arguments, lost shoes, needing a wee, just two people, holding hands walking around.

Until the Gap outlet came in to view and then frankly, it is every man/woman for themselves.

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