Saturday 10 March 2012

Getting your ears peirced: part one - By Abigail aged 8

I asked mum and daughter team, Abgail (8) and Jessica (more than 8) to do a guest post for me about ear peircing. They had recently gone through the should we, shouldn't we stage and I thought I would make them share it! Thanks to both.

Abigail, 8 (dictated to her mother, she really needs to practice typing):

I wanted to get my ears pierced since I was 3. I nagged my Mummy and Daddy and then when me and Mummy talked about it said to Daddy ‘What do you think?’ He said it was alright and I was very surprised. Then we looked where we could get them pierced and Mummy thought about jewellers but they weren’t doing ear piercing any more. Then we found a beautician that did it and booked in there.

When it was finally the day I was all excited. We went into town and I had theatre first then we went to the beauticians then we waited for a few minutes. I felt a bit nervous and also a bit excited and Mummy said to calm down. When we went in the room was all nice and clean and I sat on kind of like a hospital bed. The lady washed her hands and told Mummy about certain stuff, then she put some gloves on. We got to choose the earrings they were silver crystal. She cleaned my ears and marked where she was going to put the holes. Then she got out the gun. I was all scared when I saw it. When the first earring was done it felt like a big pain for about 2 seconds. I didn’t believe my mum when she said it would hurt. But it did. The lady didn’t think I’d do the second one but I did it.

I feel fine about having my ears pierced but now I know what it feels like taking them out I don’t want to.


  1. Thank you! Really interesting.

    My 10 year old has been lobbying to have her ears pierced for years, and her mum and I disagree about when would be the right time.

    I'll get them both to read your views. It'll be a very interesting contribution to the debate.


  2. This is an excellent topic! I am a mum and when I was younger my parents were definitely against ear-piercing (& make-up, high heels etc..... but that's another story). So I waited until my first week at university to get my ears pierced and have never regretted it.

    My step-daughter had hers pierced at 7 years old. Her mother is Italian and it is quite the done thing for young girls to have pierced ears over there. However she did not cope with looking after her ears that well at the beginning so I think the ability of the person to deal with the hygiene issue should be a big consideration.

    All kids like to experiment with how they look as it is a way of self-expression. My eldest son got an eyebrow piercing in his first term at university. He had never mentioned wanting one before. I must confess I loathed it! He had selected a particularly horrible pale orange coloured stud which looked like a nasty big spot! But I held my tongue and the experiment ran it's course. Now he has to go to work in a suit and the piercing has gone. His brother went through a dreadlocked phase at sixth form college, but that was a reaction against having gone to a school before that that had very strict rules about the length of boys' hair. But now he has short hair again.

    I guess the worst thing would be something that you couldn't reverse like a tattoo.
